Your stringer should be able to help you to recover from tennis elbow by selecting the tennis string with the lowest stiffness rating (the best is natural gut, but that is expensive) there are many strings available with a low stiffness rating and your stringer should be able to offer a string that will help.
There are also rackets that can and do help. I speak from experience as I had a very bad bout of tennis elbow.
My experience:
I was going to a "sports physio" every two days for six months and it was only when I changed to a PowerAngle diagonally strung racket was I able to play tennis again.
So if you get or suffer from Tennis Elbow:
1. Go and see your doctor or Sport Physio
2. Find out what caused it: Technique, Balls, Racket or just unlucky
3. Look for the solution: racket, string, technique and balls you are using.
I have known many players who have been unfortunate and have suffered "Tennis Elbow" but most of them have found a solution or a way to continue playing!
As painful as Tennis Elbow is with the right care, equipment and technique you can be playing again !
Just found this self help treatment video that may assist:
Another self help video that seems to work:
(Please note the above videos may help you the choice is yours :-) )
If you would like advise on which strings have a low stiffness rating please use the contact page.