Decided to have a go with this string today, Stung it at 52Ibs in one of my PowerAngle 102's.
This is a Durable Monofilament Polyester designed for players with a big swing, who can gerenrate their own power.
OK first impression: it a clear (crystal) string feels stiff at first when stringing and has a bit of coil memory, However it seems to get a little more forgiving as you string with it.
Holds the knots well and is easy to weave the cross strings (same as any polyester)
Playing with it, yes it has the power, has a crisp feel and very rewarding for players who can generate their own power, Can be very accurate on the serves and sliced drop shots.
Have played with this for 5 hours now and there is no notching on the string that can be seen, the tension loss is small and feel is still positive.
Although this is a smooth string it has similar spin potential to ALU Power Rough.
I will keep playing with this and see how durable it is, This maybe a good string for the Wilson BLX Steam 102S we shall see how it holds up in the PowerAngle first.
This string is very good when compared to more expensive strings on the market and at the price it is I have decided to purchase a reel, I will be charging £16 for a restring with this and if required will use it in a Hybrid which should produce an durable spin setup.